Home Insurance in SF: What You Don’t Know Can Cost You
For San Francisco homeowners, home insurance isn’t just about coverage anymore—it’s about whether you can even get a policy in the first place. With major insurers pulling out of California, canceling policies, and refusing to write new ones, many property owners are left scrambling. If you haven’t checked your policy lately, now’s the time. Because surprise—just because you had coverage last year doesn’t mean you still do.

Home Insurance in California: Who’s Still Writing Policies (and What You Need to Know)
If you’re a homeowner or a buyer in The City, insurance is no longer something you can take for granted. Between major insurers pulling out of California, canceling policies, and refusing new coverage, plus older homes with “red flag” features like knob-and-tube wiring, trying to secure a policy can feel downright intimidating.. If you haven’t checked your policy lately, you should.